Raw honey - Berkeley, CA - 9 ounces
Why buy local honey? When consuming local honey you are thought to be ingesting local pollen. Over time you will become less sensitive to seasonal allergies. Local honey can boost your immune system and lift your energy levels when consumed on a daily basis. In addition to all of these magical powers… it tastes GREAT!
NOTE - Only hand delivering honey to our local East Bay community for now. Please email if you’d like a free delivery - 2 jar purchase minimum. Thanks! hivehillhoney@gmail.com
Why buy local honey? When consuming local honey you are thought to be ingesting local pollen. Over time you will become less sensitive to seasonal allergies. Local honey can boost your immune system and lift your energy levels when consumed on a daily basis. In addition to all of these magical powers… it tastes GREAT!
NOTE - Only hand delivering honey to our local East Bay community for now. Please email if you’d like a free delivery - 2 jar purchase minimum. Thanks! hivehillhoney@gmail.com
Why buy local honey? When consuming local honey you are thought to be ingesting local pollen. Over time you will become less sensitive to seasonal allergies. Local honey can boost your immune system and lift your energy levels when consumed on a daily basis. In addition to all of these magical powers… it tastes GREAT!
NOTE - Only hand delivering honey to our local East Bay community for now. Please email if you’d like a free delivery - 2 jar purchase minimum. Thanks! hivehillhoney@gmail.com